This book explores how to get started with Arduino Nano 33 IoT board. The book is designed with step-by-step approaching. Various project samples are provided to accelerate your learning. The following is a list of highlight topics in this book:
- Setting up Development Environment
- Sketch Programming
- Working with digital, analog and PWM
- Serial communication
- Working with SPI
- Working with I2C
- Arduino WiFi Networking
- Working with Internal RTC and Sleep Mode
- Working with Arduino Cloud
- Working with Accelerator and Gyroscope
- Working with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Table of Content
- Setting up Development Environment
1.1 Arduino Nano 33 IoT
1.2 Electronic Components
1.2.1 Arduino Starter Kit
1.2.2 Fritzing
1.2.3 Cooking-Hacks: Arduino Starter Kit
1.2.4 Arduino Sidekick Basic kit
1.3 Unboxing
1.4 Testing - Sketch Programming
2.1 Getting Started
2.2 Arduino Hardware Driver
2.3 Setting up Arduino Nano 33 IoT
2.4 Hello World for Arduino Nano 33 IoT
2.5 Basic Sketch Programming
2.6 Digital I/O
2.7 Serial Communication
2.8 Analog I/O: Reading Analog (ADC)
2.9 PWM
2.9.1 Arduino Nano 33 IoT PWM
2.9.2 Controlling RGB LED Color
2.9.3 Writing Arduino Sketch
2.10 What’s Next? - Working with SPI
3.1 Getting Started
3.2 Wiring
3.3 Writing a Program
3.4 Testing - Working with I2C
4.1 Getting Started
4.2 Demo: Sensor with I2C
4.2.1 Wiring
4.2.2 Writing Program
4.2.3 Testing - Arduino WiFi Networking
5.1 Getting Started
5.2 Adding WiFiNINA Library
5.3 Scanning WiFi Hotspot
5.4 Connecting to a WiFi Network
5.5 Building a Simple IoT Application
5.5.1 Wiring
5.5.2 Writing Program
5.5.3 Testing - Working with Internal RTC and Sleep Mode
6.1 Getting Started
6.2 Adding RTC Library
6.3 Demo: Simple RTC
6.4 Demo: Connecting to Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server
6.5 Demo: Sleep and Wake up - Working with Arduino Cloud
7.1 Getting Started
7.2 Setting up Arduino Cloud
7.3 What’s Next? - Working with Accelerator and Gyroscope
8.1 Accelerator and Gyroscope
8.2 Adding LSM6DS3 Library
8.3 Working with Accelerator
8.4 Working with Gyroscope - Working with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
9.1 Getting Started
9.2 Adding ArduinoBLE Library
9.3 Demo: Controlling LED with BLE
9.4 Testing
How To Buy
You can get this book the following online store:
- Amazon Kindle, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WK9Y7YV
- Google Play Book, https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=cZCpDwAAQBAJ
- Apple iBookstore, http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9780359858569
- Lulu, http://www.lulu.com/shop/agus-kurniawan/arduino-nano-33-iot-development-workshop/ebook/product-24212399.html
- Kobo, https://www.kobo.com/ww/en/ebook/arduino-nano-33-iot-development-workshop