This book explores how to get started with Particle Xenon board development. Book content consists of practical lab with step-by-step approach. The following is a list of highlight topic in this book:
- Preparing Development Environment
- Setting Up Particle Xenon Development
- Claiming Your Particle Xenon Board
- GPIO Programming
- Working with Serial Communication
- PWM and Analog Input
- Working with I2C
- Working with SPI
- Working with EEPROM
- Particle Xenon and Microsoft Azure IoT Hub
Table of Content
- Preparing Development Environment
1.1 Particle Xenon
1.2 Electronics Components
1.3 Unboxing
1.4 Development Tools
1.5 Testing - Setting Up Particle Xenon Development
2.1 Getting Started
2.2 Connect Your Particle Xenon
2.3 Installing Particle Xenon Driver
2.4 Claiming Your Particle Xenon Board
2.4.1 Register/Login
2.4.2 Creating Mesh Network Gateway for Particle Argon
2.4.3 Connecting Particle Xenon to Mobile App
2.4.4 Updating Device OS Software
2.4.5 Registering and Claiming Particle Xenon
2.5 Working with Particle CLI
2.5.1 Installing Node.js and git
2.5.2 Installing Particle CLI
2.5.3 Getting Device ID
2.5.4 Updating Particle CLI
2.6 Updating Particle Xenon Firmware (Device OS)
2.7 Particle Xenon Development: Particle Web IDE
2.7.1 Working with Particle Build
2.7.2 Wiring
2.7.3 Writing Program
2.7.4 Uploading Program to Particle Xenon Board
2.8 Particle Xenon Development: Particle Workbench
2.9 Particle Xenon Development: Particle CLI - GPIO Programming
3.1 Getting Started
3.2 Wiring
3.3 Writing a Program
3.4 Testing - Working with Serial Communication
4.1 Getting Started
4.2 Wiring
4.3 Writing a Program
4.4 Testing - PWM and Analog Input
5.1 Getting Started
5.2 Demo Analog Output (PWM) : RGB LED
5.2.1 Wiring
5.2.2 Writing Program
5.2.3 Testing
5.3 Demo Analog Input: Working with Microphone Breakout
5.3.1 Wiring
5.3.2 Writing Program
5.3.3 Testing - Working with I2C
6.1 Getting Started
6.2 Writing Program
6.3 Writing Program
6.4 Testing - Working with SPI
7.1 Getting Started
7.2 Wiring
7.3 Writing a Program
7.4 Testing - Working with EEPROM
8.1 Getting Started
8.2 Demo: EEPROM - Particle Xenon and Microsoft Azure IoT Hub
9.1 Getting Started
9.2 Creating Azure IoT Hub
9.3 Creating Particle Xenon and Azure IoT Hub Integration
9.4 Writing Program for Particle Xenon
9.5 Testing
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