Python and MySQL Development

This book helps you to get started with Python and MySQL development. We perform CRUD operation and manipulate data and blob. We also access stored procedures. Last, we access Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL. The following is a list of highlight topics:

  • Setting up Development Environment
  • Getting Started – Python and MySQL
  • CRUD Operations
  • Working with Image and Blob Data
  • Transaction
  • Stored Procedures
  • Working with Azure Database for MySQL and Python

Table of Content

  1. Setting up Development Environment
    1.1 Python
    1.2 MySQL Driver for Python
    1.3 MySQL Database Server
    1.4 Development Tools
    1.5 Python Programming
  2. Getting Started – Python and MySQL
    2.1 Connecting to MySQL
    2.2 Creating Python Program
    2.3 Running
  3. CRUD Operations
    3.1 CRUD Operations
    3.2 Creating Data
    3.3 Reading Data
    3.4 Update Data
    3.5 Deleting Data
  4. Working with Image and Blob Data
    4.1 Image and Blob Data
    4.2 Inserting Image File
    4.3 Reading and Saving Image File
  5. Transaction
    5.1 Python and MySQL Transaction
    5.2 Demo
  6. Stored Procedures
    6.1 Stored Procedures
    6.2 Calling Stored Procedure
    6.3 Calling Stored Procedure with Parameter
    6.4 Calling Stored Procedure with Input and Output Parameters
  7. Working with Azure Database for MySQL and Python
    7.1 Azure Database for MySQL
    7.2 Creating Azure Database for MySQL
    7.3 Connecting to Azure Database for MySQL
    7.4 Inserting Data
    7.5 Retrieving Data

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